The Wishlist

I'm taking a break from beery things this month - recovering from GBBF and looking forward to the opening of the new Thornbridge brewery site in September.

But, fear not dear toper. A couple of book reviews will feature in the next few weeks and a frank review of Thornbridge Juliius will be here soon (once I've actually found a pub serving the damn stuff).

In the meantime, courtsey of scheduled updates, you can expect a post each day based on my Wishlist; random ideas of mine that could make the world of beer a better place. If any of them come to pass, I will claim full credit. If any are purile drunken nonsense, I'll just say I nicked it from Wikipedia.

I'll drop by every now and again just to make sure the site's behaving itself. In the meantime, I'll still be Tweeting sporadically (you can follow me there as reluctantscoop)